Tenders / Prequalification
S.N. Office Tender/Prequalification Notice Status Close Date
61 Nepal Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project

Date: 19 Jan 2022
Loan/Grant No. and Title: 91355, Nepal Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project
Contract No. and Title: ICB-DCSD-2078/79-DSUEP-EIB-W1, Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion in Parasi, Rupandehi, Rolpa and Bajhang districts of Nepal – Package No. EIB-W1
Deadline for Submission of Tenders: 7 March 2022 at 12:00 hours (Nepal Standard Time)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. Draft ESMPs
2. Tender Document
3. Amendment and Clarification
4. EIB-W1
5. Clarification II
6. Extension of Deadline for Tender Submission
7. Addendum-3 and Clarification-3
8. ESMPs (Revision-1)
9. EIB-W1 New
62 Project Supervision Consultant Project, Electricity Transmission Expansion and Supply Improvement Project

Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) For

Consulting Services for Project Supervision Consultant (Phase II) Electricity Transmission Expansion and Supply Improvement Project (Date of First Publication: 28th November 2021)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. EOI Notice
2. TOR
63 Ghorahi - Madichaur 132 KV Transmission Line Project

First Date of Publication: March 19, 2021
Project No. and Title: 54107-001: Electricity Grid Modernization Project
Contract No. and Title: PMD/EGMP/GKTLS-077/78-01:
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ghorahi-Khungri (Madichaur) 132 kV Transmission Line and associated Substations at Khungri and Ghorahi.
Deadline for Submission of Bids: May 17, 2021, 12:00 Hours (Nepal Standard Time)



Date and Time of price bid opening: 26th, October, 2021 at 12:00 PM

Venue:NEA Training Centre, Kharipati, Bhaktapur, Nepal

Room NO: 8220

Download Supportive Documents :

1. IFB Notice
2. Vol I
3. Vol II
4. Vol III
5. Clarification I
6. Addendum I (Time Extension Notice)
7. Clarification II
8. Ghorahi Substation Layout
9. Addendum II (Time Extension Notice)
10. Clarification No. III
11. Notice for Financial Bid Opening
64 Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi- urban Regions II

Tender:International Competitive Bidding: Tender for Consulting Services: Implementation Consultant
KfW Procurement ID:

Project:Promotion of Solar Energy in Rural and Semi-urban Regions II
2019 69 203

Download Supportive Documents :

1. Notice
65 Tamakoshi Jal Vidhyut Company Limited

Request for Expression of Interest
Tamakoshi Jal Vidhyut Company Limited
TamakoshiV Hydroelectric Project
Date:16thSeptember, 2021

Download Supportive Documents :

1. Request for Expression of Interest
2. EOI
3. Amendment II (Time Extension)
4. Amendment I
5. Shortlisting of Consulting Firms
66 Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project (DSUEP)

Invitation for Expression Of Interest (EOI)

The first date of publication: 5 September 2021

  1. The Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project (DSUEP) invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from eligible consulting firms (“Consultant”) to provide the consulting services as Project Supervision Consultant (PSC) for DSUEP’s subprojects (including construction of more than 300 km of 33 kV lines, 18 numbers of 33/11 kV substations, more than 3000 circuit km of 11 kV lines, and various LT structures) in Lumbini Province and Karnali Province of Nepal funded by Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) under the Loan No. L0086A-NPL.
  2. The estimated total Man-Months (MM) required is 386 MM including 39.60 MM from International Experts, and 346.40 MM from National Experts over the period of 24 months.
  3. The short-listing criteria are:
  • Experience of major similar assignments completed/in progress in past 7 years for Transmission/Distribution Line projects with preference to assignments in developing or underdeveloped countries.
  • Financial status with turnover of past 5 years.
  • Technical and Managerial capacity of the firm (Individual CVs will not be evaluated at this stage).
  • Credential of the firm.
  1. Expressions of interest shall be delivered hard copy (preferred) or via email on or before 12:00 on 26 September 2021. Detailed EOI document can be found in NEA’s official website www.nea.org.np.
Download Supportive Documents :

2. Terms of Reference
67 Mulpani Substation Construction Project

First Date of Publication: 11 August 2021

Project No. and Title: Project No. 54701-002: Electricity Grid Modernization Project Additional Financing

Contract No. and Title: PMD/EGMP/MSCP-077/78-01 (Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Mulpani 132/11 kV GIS Substation

Deadline for Submission of Bids: 11 October 2021, 12:00 Hours (Nepal Standard Time)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. IFB Notice
2. Vol I
3. Vol II
4. Vol III
5. Revised BOQ
6. Amendment I
7. Clarification I
8. Attachments for Clarification I
68 Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project (DSUEP)

Expression of Interest (EOI) for shortlisting of Project Supervision Consultant (PSC)

Cost and Quality Based Selection (International)

Project Name: Distribution System Upgrade and Expansion Project (DSUEP),

Distribution and Consumer Services Directorate,

Nepal Electricity Authority

EOI Identification: EOI-EIB/DSUEP-077/78-01

Issued on: 29 July 2021

Download Supportive Documents :

1. Expression of Interest (EOI)
69 Project Management Consultant for ERP and RMS projects Implementations

Date of First Publication : 23 July, 2021

Proposed Electricity Grid Modernization Project-Additional Financing Loan (EGMP-AF)- C1

Project Management Consultant for Supervision of Implementations of Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) and Revenue Management System (RMS) at Nepal Electricity Authority (54107-002).

Download Supportive Documents :

1. TOR
2. EOI Notice
3. Extension Notice
4. Shortlisting Of Consulting Firms
5. Clarification I
6. Addendum I
7. Addendum II
70 Power Transmission and Distribution Efficiency Enhancement Project

First Date of Publication: 20 July 2021
Loan No.  and Title: 3542-NEP:
Power Transmission and Distribution Efficiency Enhancement Project
Contract No. and  Title: PMD/PTDEEP/DTPP- 077/78 - 01 :  Supply and Delivery of 3D Core Distribution Transformer
Deadline for  Submission of Bids: 3 September 2021; 12:00 Hours (Nepal Standard Time)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. IFB Notice
2. Bidding Document
3. Clarification I
4. Amendment I
71 Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 132kV Transmission Line Conductor Upgrading

First Date of Publication: 12 July 2021
Project No. and Title: 4014-NEP: Electricity Grid Modernization Project
Contract No. and Title: PMD/EGMP/TLUP-077/78-01 (RE): Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 132kV Transmission Line Conductor Upgrading Deadline for
Submission of Bids: 13 September 2021, 12:00 Hours (Nepal Standard Time)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. IFB Notice
2. Vol I
3. Vol II
4. Vol III
5. Clarification I
6. Amendment I
7. Amendment II
8. Clarification II
72 Pangtan 132 kV Substation Project

First Date of Publication: 19 th April, 2021
Project No. and Title: 54107-001: Electricity Grid Modernization Project
Contract No. and Title: PMD/EGMP/PSSP-077/78-01:
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 132/33/11 kV Pangtan Substation and associated bay extension works at Bahrabise Substation.
Deadline for Submission of Bid: 17 th June, 2021, 12:00 Hours (Nepal Standard Time)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. IFB Notice
2. Vol I - General Bid Documents
3. Vol II - Technical Specifications
4. Vol III - Bid Schedules
5. Clarification No. 1
6. Amendment I and II
7. Clarification No. II
8. Amendment No. III
73 Borang - Naubise Ratmate 220 kV Transmission Line Project

Date: 3 March 2021
Loan No. and Title: 4014-NEP: Electricity Grid Modernization Project
Contract No. and Title: PMD/EGMP/BNRTLSS-077/78-01: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 132 kV Borang - Lapang and 220 kV Lapang - Naubise (Ratmate) 220 kV Transmission Line and Associated Substations
Deadline for Submission of Bids: 4 May 2021, 12:00 hours Nepal Standard Time (NST)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. IFB Notice
2. Vol I
3. Vol II (b)
4. Vol II (a)
5. Vol III
6. Borang-Naubise-kmz
7. Clarification I
8. Addendum I
9. Clarification II
10. Amendment No. 2 & 3
11. Amendment IV
12. Amendment V
13. Addendum VI

First Date of Publication: 08 February, 2021
Loan No. and Title: 3943 - NEP: SASEC Power Transmission and Distribution System Strengthening Project
Contract No. and Title: PMD/PTDSSP/PBDSRP-077/78-01:
Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Underground Distribution Network under Pokhara and Bharatpur Distribution Center including Reinforcement and Automation.
Deadline for Submission of Bids: 25 March 2021, 12:00 Hours (Nepal Standard Time)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. IFB Notice
2. Vol I
3. Vol II
4. Vol III
5. Bharatpur Tentative UG Routes
6. Pokhara Tentative UG Routes
7. Notice for Online Registration of Pre-Bid Meeting
8. Clarification I
9. Addendum I
10. Clarification II
75 Utility Scale Grid-tied Solar Project

Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) For
Consulting Services (International) on Power System Protection and Utility
scale solar in Nepal with relevant capacity development trainings under the
Additional Financing on SASEC Power System Expansion Project
(Date of First Publication: 11th December 2020)

Download Supportive Documents :

1. EOI
2. TOR
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