S.N. Tender No Tender Name Company Status Remarks
1 IFB No.: NCB/AD132kV/2080-81/01 Procurement of Design, Supply, Construction, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 132 kV Line Bays at Amarpur and Dhungesaghu substations and 11 kV Switchyard at Dhungesaghu Substation Amarpur Dhungesaghu 132 kV Transmission Line Project
Supportive Docs :

1. Notice for Intent to award the contract
2 NEA/PMD/NBLTL/VEC(RE)-2081/082-01 Procurement Supply delivery of Two number of Motorcycle for New Butwal-Lamahi 400Kv TLP New Butwal Lamahi 400kV TLP
Supportive Docs :

1. Notification Of Award


Supportive Docs :

1. Bid Opening Notice
4 RFP/SOLAR/NEAPTD/2024-01 Selection of Developers for setting up of Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in Nepal through tariff-based National Competitive Bidding process Power Trade Department

Power Trade Department

Supportive Docs :

1. Notice
2. Correction Notice
3. Correction Notice
4. Notice of Intent to Award Solar Projects
5 RFP/SOLAR/NEAPTD/2024-01 Selection of Developers for setting up of Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in Nepal through tariff-based National Competitive Bidding process Power Trade Department

Power Trade Department

Supportive Docs :

1. Notice of Price Bid Opening
6 NEA/PMD/NBLTL/NCB/VEH-02 Supply and Delivery of Four-Wheel Drive Pick-Up Vehicle M/S Agni Incorporated Pvt. Ltd. Panipokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal

Intent to Award of Contract

Supportive Docs :

7 ले. बि. के. भ. शा. २०८०/८१-०१ सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना केन्द्रीय भण्डार शाखा

सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना

Supportive Docs :

1. Notice
8 NEA-SSEMD-2080/81-SQ-KG-04 सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department

ABC Trade & Suppliers, Balaju Kathmandu

Supportive Docs :

1. Notice
9 NEA-SSEMD- 2080/81-SQ-HB-03 सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department

सिलबन्दी दरभाउपत्र स्विकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना

Supportive Docs :

1. Notice
10 RFP No: EGMP-1/2080/81 Selection of Consulting Services Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department

Notification of Intention to Accept the Proposal

Supportive Docs :

1. Intention to Accept the Proposal
11 सवारी चालक र कार्यालय सहयोगीहरु आपूर्ति सवारी चालक र कार्यालय सहयोगीहरु आपूर्ति नेपाल वितरण प्रणाली स्तरोन्नती तथा विस्तार आयोजना (ई. आई. बि)

बोलपत्र स्वीकृत गर्ने आशयको सूचना

Supportive Docs :

1. LOI
12 EGMP-1/2080/81 Selection of Consultiong Services Social Safeguard and Environment Management Department

Notice for Financial Proposal Opening

Supportive Docs :

1. Notice for Financial Proposal Opening
13 ICB-DCSD-2079/80-DSUEP-EIB-W5 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of Distributed System Network Rudranee Infrastructure Ltd A-9, Industrial Co-oprative Society, MIDC Area, Railway Station, Aurangabad 431 005 (MS), India


Supportive Docs :

1. LOI
14 ICB-DCSD-2080/81-DSUEP-EIB-W6 Procurement of material, equipment, associated accessories and necessary installation services including design, erection, testing and commissioning of 132/33 kV substation in Bajhang District Distributed and Consumer Services Directorate

Notice of Financial Opening

Supportive Docs :

1. Notice Of Financial Opening
15 GDD-PSC-UTDSIP-079/80 Execution of the Detail Design and Construction Supervision of Urban Transmission and Distribution System Improvement Project in Nepal Urban Transmission and Distribution System

Issuance of Letter of Intent to Award the Contract for Conultants Services

Supportive Docs :

1. LOI
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